Amazon CloudWatch

Integration with Amazon CloudWatch

Amazon CloudWatch (opens in a new tab) is an application monitoring service that collects and visualizes logs, metrics, and event data. This guide demonstrates how to set up Cube Cloud to export logs to Amazon CloudWatch.


First, enable monitoring integrations in Cube Cloud.

Exporting logs

To export logs to Amazon CloudWatch, start by creating a log group and a log stream (opens in a new tab) for Cube Cloud logs.

Then, configure the aws_cloudwatch_logs (opens in a new tab) sink in your vector.toml configuration file.

Example configuration:

type = "aws_cloudwatch_logs"
inputs = [
region = "us-east-1"
group_name = "your-group-name"
stream_name = "your-stream-name"
create_missing_group = true
create_missing_stream = true
codec = "json"

Commit the configuration for Vector, it should take effect in a minute. Then, navigate to Amazon CloudWatch and watch the logs coming.