Dynamic data models with Jinja and Python
Cube supports authoring dynamic data models using the Jinja templating language (opens in a new tab) and Python. This allows de-duplicating common patterns in your data models as well as dynamically generating data models from a remote data source.
Jinja is supported in all YAML data model files.
Please check the Jinja documentation (opens in a new tab) for details on Jinja syntax.
Currently, there's no way to preview the data model code in YAML after applying Jinja templates. Please track this issue (opens in a new tab).
As a workaround, you can view the resulting data model in
Playground and Visual Model.
You can also introspect the data model using the /v1/meta
Jinja supports looping (opens in a new tab) over lists and dictionaries. In
the following example, we loop over a list of nested properties and generate a
clause for each one: for each one:
{%- set nested_properties = [
] -%}
- name: analytics
sql: >
{%- for prop in nested_properties %}
{{ prop }}_prop.value AS {{ prop }}
{%- endfor %}
FROM public.events
{%- for prop in nested_properties %}
LEFT JOIN UNNEST(properties) AS {{ prop }}_prop ON {{ prop }}_prop.key = '{{ prop }}'
{%- endfor %}
Another useful pattern is to loop over a dictionary of values and generate a measure for each one, as in the following example:
{%- set metrics = {
"mau": 30,
"wau": 7,
"day": 1
} %}
- name: orders
sql_table: public.orders
{%- for name, days in metrics | items %}
- name: {{ name | safe }}
type: count_distinct
sql: user_id
trailing: {{ days }} day
offset: start
{% endfor %}
Cube data models also support Jinja macros, which allow you to define reusable snippets of code. You can read more about macros in the Jinja documentation (opens in a new tab).
In the following example, we define a macro called dimension()
which generates
a dimension definition in Cube. This macro is then invoked multiple times to
generate multiple dimensions:
{# Declare the macro before using it, otherwise Jinja will throw an error. #}
{%- macro dimension(column_name, type='string', primary_key=False) -%}
- name: {{ column_name }}
sql: {{ column_name }}
type: {{ type }}
{% if primary_key -%}
primary_key: true
{% endif -%}
{% endmacro -%}
- name: orders
sql_table: public.orders
{{ dimension('id', 'number', primary_key=True) }}
{{ dimension('status') }}
{{ dimension('created_at', 'time') }}
{{ dimension('completed_at', 'time') }}
You could also use macros to generate SQL snippets for use in the sql
{%- macro cents_to_dollars(column_name, precision=2) -%}
({{ column_name }} / 100)::NUMERIC(16, {{ precision }})
{%- endmacro -%}
- name: payments
sql: >
id AS payment_id,
{{ cents_to_dollars('amount') }} AS amount_usd
FROM app_data.payments
Escaping unsafe strings
Auto-escaping (opens in a new tab) of unsafe string values in Jinja templates is enabled by default. It means that any strings coming from Python might get wrapped in quotes, potentially breaking YAML syntax.
You can work around that by using the safe
filter (opens in a new tab) with such string values:
- name: my_cube
description: {{ get_unsafe_string() | safe }}
Alternatively, you can wrap unsafe strings into instances of the following
class in your Python code, effectively marking them as safe. This is
particularly useful for library code, e.g., similar to the
class SafeString(str):
is_safe: bool
def __init__(self, v: str):
self.is_safe = True
You can declare and invoke Python functions from within a Jinja template. This
allows the reuse of existing code to generate data models. Cube uses Python 3.9 to execute Python code.
It also installs packages listed in the requirements.txt
with pip on the startup.
These helper functions must be located in model/globals.py
file or explicitly loaded from the YAML files.
In the following example, we declare a function called load_data()
which will load data from a remote
API endpoint. We will then use the function to generate a data model in Cube.
from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
def load_data():
client = MyApiClient("example.com")
return client.load_data()
class MyApiClient:
def __init__(self, api_url):
self.api_url = api_url
# mock API call
def load_data(self):
api_response = {
"cubes": [
"name": "cube_from_api",
"measures": [
{ "name": "count", "type": "count" },
{ "name": "total", "type": "sum", "sql": "amount" }
"dimensions": []
"name": "cube_from_api_with_dimensions",
"measures": [
{ "name": "active_users", "type": "count_distinct", "sql": "user_id" }
"dimensions": [
{ "name": "city", "sql": "city_column", "type": "string" }
return api_response
Now that we've decorated our function with the @template.function
decorator, we can
call it from within a Jinja template. In the following example, we'll call the
function and use the result to generate a data model.
{# Here we use the decorated function from earlier #}
{%- for cube in load_data()["cubes"] %}
- name: {{ cube.name }}
{%- if cube.measures is not none and cube.measures|length > 0 %}
{%- for measure in cube.measures %}
- name: {{ measure.name }}
type: {{ measure.type }}
{%- if measure.sql %}
sql: {{ measure.sql }}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if cube.dimensions is not none and cube.dimensions|length > 0 %}
{%- for dimension in cube.dimensions %}
- name: {{ dimension.name }}
type: {{ dimension.type }}
sql: {{ dimension.sql }}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
If you'd like to split your Python code into several files, see this issue (opens in a new tab).