
Deployments in Cube Cloud

Deployments are top-level entities in Cube Cloud. They include the source code, configuration, allocated resources, API endpoints and essentially do all the heavy lifting, running workloads and fulfilling requests.

List of deployments

Each account in Cube Cloud can have multiple deployments. Once you've logged in, you can access the list of deployments by clicking on the Cube Cloud logo in the top left corner.

Creating a new deployment

Creating a new deployment is an essential prerequisite to running a Cube project in Cube Cloud.

After you've created your Cube Cloud account (opens in a new tab), click + Create Deployment in the top-right corner of your list of deployments to jump into the wizard. Watch the following video for guidance on the rest of the steps:

All deployments within a Cube Cloud account should have uniqie names.

Demo deployments

After you've created your Cube Cloud account (opens in a new tab) and proceeded to create a new deployment, you would be prompted to set up a connection to your data source.

If, for any reason, you're not ready or unable to connect your staging or production data source at the moment, you can click Create a demo deployment in the yellow box:

Shortly, Cube Cloud will create and pre-configure a new deployment in your account. You will see it as Demo deployment in the list of deployments. This new deployment will be:

Watch the following video to for a step-by-step walkthrough:

Exploring the demo deployment is a great way to understand how Cube works. Use the data model editor to review the data model and make sure to run a few queries in Playground.

Deployment overview

The Overview page of each deployment provides a high-level summary if its components and state:

  • API endpoints with URLs and connection instructions.
  • Allocated resources in line with the deployment type.
  • Activity log of the most recent events.

Additionally, the bar under the Cube Cloud logo displays user-specific state of the deployment:

  • Branch selector displays the source code branch that is currently selected and being viewed by the user.
  • Enter Development Mode button indicates whether a user has entered the development mode.

Cube version

Each deployment in Cube Cloud runs a specific version of Cube, depending on the branch of the source code and the selected update channel.

Current version

You can check the current version of Cube that your deployment runs by navigating to Overview → Resources & Logs → Cube API:

Non-main branches and development mode branches always run the most up-to-date version of Cube.

Update channels

Cube Cloud provides two update channels:

  • Stable channel. You should manually update the deployment to one of available stable versions.
  • Latest channel. On each build, the deployment is automatically updated to the most up-to-date version of Cube.

You can view or change the update channel by navigating to Settings → General → Cube version:

Resource consumption

Each deployment allocates and consumes the following resources:

Cube Cloud only consumes resources when they are needed to run workloads:

  • For the main branch, resources are always consumed unless a deployment is auto-suspended.
  • For any other branch or any user-specific development mode branch, a development instance is allocated while there's some activity in the branch, e.g., API endpoints are serving requests, a user is active in Cube Cloud, etc. After a period of inactivity, the development instance is deallocated.
  • For pre-aggregations, Cube Store workers are allocated while there's some activity related to pre-aggregations, e.g., API endpoints are serving requests to pre-aggregations, pre-aggregations are being built, etc. After a period of inactivity, Cube Store workers are deallocated.

Please refer to total cost examples to learn more about resource consumption in different scenarios.