Python packages

cube package

cube package contains tools for setting configuration options and providing the Jinja template context for the data model in YAML.

  • cube package is available out of the box, it doesn't need to be installed explicitly
  • Submit issues to cube (opens in a new tab) on GitHub


config object

This object is used to set configuration options in the file.

You can set properties of this object, named after supported configuration options, to values or functions that would be used as these configuration options.

from cube import config
config.base_path = '/cube-api'
config.context_to_app_id = lambda ctx: ctx['securityContext']['tenant_id']
def rewrite(query, ctx):
  return query
config.query_rewrite = rewrite

Alternatively, this object can be used as a decorator with a single name argument. In that case, the decorated function will be set as the configuration option under that name.

from cube import config
def app_id(ctx):
  return ctx['securityContext']['tenant_id']
def rewrite(query, ctx):
  return query

TemplateContext class

Instances of this class are used for registering variables, functions, and filters so that they are accessible from Jinja templates when defining the data model in YAML.

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()


The add_variable method registers a variable so that it's available in a Jinja template. Should be called with two arguments, a name and a value of the variable.

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
# Accessible from Jinja as 'my_var'
template.add_variable('my_var', 123)

add_function and function

The add_function method registers a function so that it's callable from a Jinja template as a Python function. Should be called with two arguments, a name and a function that will be registered under that name:

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
# Accessible from Jinja as 'get_data()'
def get_data_1():
  return 1
template.add_function('get_data', get_data_1)

Also, you can use the template.function decorator with a single name argument; the decorated function will be registered under that name:

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
# Accessible from Jinja as 'get_more_data()'
def get_data_2():
  return 2

add_filter and filter

The add_filter method registers a function so that it's callable from a Jinja template as a Jinja filter (opens in a new tab). Should be called with two arguments, a name and a function that will be registered as a filter under that name:

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
# Accessible from Jinja as 'data | wrap'
def wrap_1(data):
  return f"< {data} >"
template.add_filter('wrap', wrap_1)

Also, you can use the template.filter decorator with a single name argument; the decorated function will be registered as a filter under that name:

from cube import TemplateContext
template = TemplateContext()
# Accessible from Jinja as 'data | wrap_more'
def wrap_2(data):
  return f"<<< {data} >>>"