Environment variables

Environment variables

To see a complete list of environment variables for a specific data source, please check the relevant page on Connecting to Data Sources.


The secret key used to sign and verify JWTs. Generated on project scaffold with npx cubejs-cli create.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

See also the check_auth configuration option.


An application ID used to uniquely identify the Cube deployment. Can be different for multitenant setups.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringcubejscubejs


The AWS Access Key ID to use for database connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Access Key IDN/AN/A


The AWS Secret Access Key to use for database connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Secret Access KeyN/AN/A


The AWS region to use for database connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS region (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The S3 path to store AWS Athena (opens in a new tab) query results made by Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid S3 pathN/AN/A


The name of the AWS Athena workgroup (opens in a new tab) in which the query is being started.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Athena Workgroup (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The name of the AWS Athena catalog to use for queries.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Athena Catalog name (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The name of the schema to use as information_schema filter. Reduces count of tables loaded during data model generation.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid schema nameN/AN/A


The cache and queue driver to use for the Cube deployment.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
cubestore, memorymemorycubestore

It can be also set using the cache_and_queue_driver configuration option.


The number of concurrent connections each query queue has to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid numberSee database-specific pageSee database-specific page

It can be also set as concurrency in the orchestrator_options configuration option.

If you'd like to adjust the concurrency for the refresh worker, use CUBEJS_REFRESH_WORKER_CONCURRENCY.


The number of concurrent connections each query queue of the refresh worker has to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production


How many pre-aggregations the refresh worker will build in parallel for each application id as determined by the context_to_app_id configuration option.

Note that this parameter doesn't override the overall refresh worker concurrency, configured via the CUBEJS_REFRESH_WORKER_CONCURRENCY environment variable, and it should be adjusted accordingly.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number of concurrent queries1010

Previously, this environment variable was named CUBEJS_SCHEDULED_REFRESH_CONCURRENCY.


The hostname of the Cube Store deployment

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid hostnamelocalhostN/A


The port of the Cube Store deployment.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port number30303030


A comma-separated list of data source names. Data sources defined here can be used to decorate CUBEJS_DB_* environment variables.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A comma-separated list of stringsN/AN/A


A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google BigQuery.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google BigQuery JSON key file encoded as a Base64 stringN/AN/A


The path to a JSON key file for connecting to Google BigQuery.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google BigQuery JSON key fileN/AN/A


The Google BigQuery dataset location to connect to. Required if used with pre-aggregations outside of US. If not set then BQ driver will fail with Dataset was not found in location US error.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google BigQuery regional location (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The Google BigQuery project ID to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google BigQuery Project IDN/AN/A


Whether the ClickHouse user has read-only access or not.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falseN/AN/A


To accept the license terms for the Databricks JDBC driver, this must be set to true.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falseN/AN/A


The name of the Databricks catalog (opens in a new tab) to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Databricks catalog nameN/AN/A


The personal access token (opens in a new tab) used to authenticate the Databricks connection.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Databricks access tokenN/AN/A


The URL for a JDBC connection.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production


A domain name within an MS SQL database to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid domain name within a MS SQL databaseN/AN/A


The maximum memory limit (opens in a new tab) for DuckDB. Equivalent to SET memory_limit=<MEMORY_LIMIT>.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid MotherDuck service token75% of available RAM75% of available RAM


The default search schema (opens in a new tab) for DuckDB.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid schema namemainmain


The service token (opens in a new tab) to use for connections to MotherDuck.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid MotherDuck service tokenN/AN/A


The database filepath to use for connection to a local database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid duckdb database file pathN/AN/A


The AWS Access Key ID to use for S3 connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Access Key IDN/AN/A


The AWS Secret Access Key to use for S3 connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Secret Access KeyN/AN/A


The AWS endpoint to use for S3 connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS S3 endpoint (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The AWS region to use for S3 connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS region (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


Use SSL when connecting to S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
True or falseN/AN/A


The URL style to be used by S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production


The S3 session token.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid S3 session tokenN/AN/A


A comma-separated list of DuckDB extensions to install and load.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A comma-separated list of DuckDB extensionsN/AN/A


The ID of the API key from (opens in a new tab). Required when using Elastic Cloud.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid API key IDN/AN/A


The API key from (opens in a new tab). Required when using Elastic Cloud.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid API keyN/AN/A


If true, then use the Open Distro for Elasticsearch.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falseN/AN/A


By default, queries return data in JDBC format, but you can also return data in standard Elasticsearch JDBC, JSON, CSV, YAML or raw formats (only JSON and JDBC are currently supported).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
json, jdbcN/AN/A


The name of a bucket in cloud storage to store the database export snapshots.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid bucket in the configured cloud storageN/AN/A

# Decorated with a data source named `datasource1`


The cloud provider where the bucket is hosted.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
gcp, s3N/AN/A

# Decorated with a data source named `datasource1`


The AWS Access Key ID to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Access Key IDN/AN/A


The AWS Secret Access Key to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Secret Access KeyN/AN/A


The AWS region of the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS region (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The Azure Access Key to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Azure Access KeyN/AN/A


The Azure tenant ID to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Azure Tenant IDN/AN/A


The Azure client ID to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Azure Client IDN/AN/A


The Azure client secret to use for the export bucket.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Azure Client SecretN/AN/A


The mount path to use for a Databricks DBFS mount (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid mount pathN/AN/A


An ARN of an AWS IAM role with permission to write to the configured bucket (see CUBEJS_DB_EXPORT_BUCKET).

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid ARN to an IAM Role associated with the target Redshift data sourceN/AN/A


A Base64 encoded JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google Cloud JSON key file encoded as a Base64 stringN/AN/A


The name of the integration used in the database. Only required when using Snowflake and Google Cloud Storage.

When using multiple data sources, this environment variable can be decorated with a data source.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid string matching the name of the integration in SnowflakeN/AN/A


The host URL for a database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid database host URLN/AN/A


The path to a Unix socket that is used to connect to a data source, e.g., MySQL.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path to a socketN/AN/A


The maximum number of concurrent database connections to pool.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid numberSee database-specific pageSee database-specific page


The name of the database to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid database nameN/AN/A


The password used to connect to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid database passwordN/AN/A


The port for the database connection.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port numberN/AN/A


The catalog within Presto/Trino to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid catalog name within a Presto/Trino databaseN/AN/A


The timeout value for any queries made to the database by Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A number in seconds or a duration string10m10m

There's a hard limit of 20 minutes for queries that ingest data into Cube Store when pre-aggregations are built. If you bump into this limit, consider using an export bucket and splitting pre-aggregations into partitions.


Force fetching of columns by ordinal positions. Certain data-providers (e.g., Redshift) do not guarantee columns in the same order on each request (e.g., SELECT * FROM foo). This flag ensures that columns will be fetched in proper order for pre-aggregation generation.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
Whether to force fetch columns in ordinal positiontruetrue


The cluster name to use when connecting to Materialize.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Materialize cluster nameN/AN/A


This flag controls how time zones conversion is done in the generated SQL for MySQL:

  • If it is set to true, time zone names are used. In this case, your MySQL server needs to be configured (opens in a new tab) properly.
  • If it is set to false, numeric offsets are used instead.
Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


The Snowflake account identifier to use when connecting to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Snowflake account ID (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The type of authenticator to use with Snowflake. Use SNOWFLAKE with username/password, or SNOWFLAKE_JWT with key pairs.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production


If true, keep the Snowflake connection alive indefinitely (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


The password for the private RSA key. Only required for encrypted keys.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid password for the encrypted private RSA keyN/AN/A


The path to the private RSA key folder.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path to the private RSA keyN/AN/A


The Snowflake region to use when connecting to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Snowflake region (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The Snowflake role to use when connecting to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Snowflake role (opens in a new tab) in the accountN/AN/A


The Snowflake warehouse to use when connecting to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Snowflake warehouse (opens in a new tab) in the accountN/AN/A


The Startree/Pinot null value support. If true, enables null handling.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


The authentication token for StarTree to be passed as HTTP headers.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid string containing the tokenN/AN/A


If true, enables SSL encryption for database connections from Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falseN/AN/A


A database from the list of supported databases.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
Any valid database supported by CubeN/AN/A


The URL for a database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid database URLN/AN/A


The username used to connect to the database.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid database usernameN/AN/A


The default row limit in the result set if it's not explicitly specified in an API query.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A positive integer number1000010000


The maximum row limit in the result set.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A positive integer number5000050000

Increasing the maximum row limit may cause out-of-memory (OOM) crashes and make Cube susceptible to denial-of-service (DoS) attacks if it's exposed to untrusted environments.


API scopes used to allow or disallow access to REST API endpoints.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A comma-delimited string with any combination of API scopesmeta,data,graphqlmeta,data,graphql

See also the context_to_api_scopes configuration option.


If true, enables development mode.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruefalse


If true, it enables dropping pre-aggregations that Refresh Worker doesn't touch within CUBEJS_TOUCH_PRE_AGG_TIMEOUT. Pre-aggregations are touched whenever they are rebuilt or a Refresh Worker checks its freshness. The first drop will be initiated when the Refresh Worker is able to check freshness for every scheduledRefresh: true pre-aggregation. If you have multiple Refresh Workers with different data model versions sharing the same Cube Store cluster, then touches from both refresh workers are respected.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


The Firebolt account name (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Firebolt account name (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The Firebolt API endpoint. Used for authentication.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production,,


The name of the Firebolt engine (opens in a new tab) to connect to.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Firebolt engine name (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


A GitHub Personal Access Token (opens in a new tab) to avoid API rate limiting when downloading Cube Store.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid GitHub PATfalsefalse


Enables JSON Web Key (JWK) (opens in a new tab)-based authentication in Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid URL to a JSON Web Key SetN/AN/A

It can be also set as jwkUrl in the jwt configuration option.


Any supported algorithm for decoding JWTs (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
HS256, RS256N/AN/A

It can be also set as algorithms in the jwt configuration option.


An audience value which will be used to enforce the aud claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid aud claimN/AN/A

It can be also set as audience in the jwt configuration option.


A namespace within the decoded JWT under which any custom claims can be found.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

It can be also set as claimsNamespace in the jwt configuration option.


An issuer value which will be used to enforce the iss claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid iss claimN/AN/A

It can be also set as issuer in the jwt configuration option.


The secret key used to sign and verify JWTs. Similar to CUBEJS_API_SECRET.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

It can be also set as key in the jwt configuration option.


A subject value which will be used to enforce the sub claim from inbound JWTs (opens in a new tab).

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid sub claimN/AN/A

It can be also set as subject in the jwt configuration option.


The logging level for Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
error, info, trace, warnwarnwarn

See also CUBESTORE_LOG_LEVEL. See also the logger configuration option.


The maximum number of partitions each pre-aggregation in a cube can use.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number1000010000


The port used by the SQL API to listen to Postgres-compatible connections on.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port numberN/AN/A


If true, this instance of Cube will build pre-aggregations, even if it is an API instance.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruefalse *


If Cube is configured to act as a refresh worker instance using CUBEJS_REFRESH_WORKER, then CUBEJS_PRE_AGGREGATIONS_BUILDER will be true.


The database schema name to use for storing pre-aggregations.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringdev_pre_aggregationsprod_pre_aggregations

It can be also set using the pre_aggregations_schema configuration option.


If true, this instance of Cube will only refresh pre-aggregations.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


If true, the API instance of Cube will only fulfill queries from pre-aggregations. See rollup-only mode for details.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse

It can be also set using the orchestrator_options.rollupOnlyMode configuration option.


A comma-separated list of timezones to schedule refreshes for.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid timezone from the tz database (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A

It can be also set using the scheduled_refresh_time_zones configuration option.


The path where Cube loads data models from.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path containing Cube data modelsmodelmodel

Until v0.35, the default value was schema.

It can be also set using the schema_path configuration option.


A username required to access the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

See also the check_sql_auth configuration option.


A password required to access the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

See also the check_sql_auth configuration option.


A name of specific user who will be allowed to change the user during the SQL API session.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid stringN/AN/A

See also the can_switch_sql_user configuration option.


If true, disables the primary key inclusion check for ungrouped queries.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse

It can be also set using the allow_ungrouped_without_primary_key configuration option.

When query push-own in the SQL API is enabled via the CUBESQL_SQL_PUSH_DOWN environment variable, this option is enabled as well for the best user experience.


If true, enables query pushdown in the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue

Query pushdown in the SQL API is available in public preview. Read more (opens in a new tab) in the blog.


If true, enables the streaming mode in the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


If true, prevents adding implicit default ORDER BY clause for SQL API queries.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sessions (connections) to the SQL API and safeguards your Cube deployment from out-of-memory crashes when too many connections are attempted to be established.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number10241024


Specifies the maximum number of e-graph nodes that are allocated during the creation of a query plan in the SQL API.

Should be increased if you get the following error: Error during rewrite: Can't find rewrite due to 10002 AST node limit reached.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number1000010000


Specifies the maximum number of e-graph term rewriting iterations that are performed during the creation of a query plan in the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number300300


Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that is allocated for the creation of a query plan in the SQL API.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number3030


Number of seconds before session's SQL API security context will be invalidated.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid integer number300300


If true, the DAX API will expose time dimensions as calendar hierarchies.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


If true, then send telemetry to Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


Define which metrics collector format.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
statsd, dogstatsdstatsdstatsd


Required IP address to send metrics.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid IP address127.0.0.1127.0.0.1


Required port to send where collector server accept UDP connections.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port number81258125


The number of seconds without a touch before pre-aggregation is considered orphaned and marked for removal. Please see CUBEJS_DROP_PRE_AGG_WITHOUT_TOUCH to learn more.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number8640086400


If true, then use WebSocket for data fetching.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


The Access Key ID for AWS. Required when using AWS S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Access Key ID (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The Secret Access Key for AWS. Required when using AWS S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS Secret Access Key (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The number of minutes after which Cube Store should refresh AWS credentials. Required when using an AWS instance role.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number in minutes180180


The address/port pair for Cube Store's MySQL-compatible interface.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid address/port pair0.0.0.0:33060.0.0.0:3306


A path on the local filesystem to store a local replica of the data. Must be unique on each node and different from CUBESTORE_REMOTE_DIR.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path on the local filesystem with read/write access.cubestore/data.cubestore/data


A Base64-encoded JSON key for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google Cloud JSON key encoded as a Base64 string (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The path to a JSON key file for connecting to Google Cloud. Required when using Google Cloud Storage.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid Google Cloud JSON key file (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The name of a bucket in GCS. Required when using GCS

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid bucket name in the Google Cloud accountN/AN/A


The path in a GCS bucket to store pre-aggregations. Optional

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path prefixN/AN/A


The address/port pair for Cube Store's HTTP interface.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid address/port pair0.0.0.0:30300.0.0.0:3030


The port for Cube Store to listen to HTTP connections on. Ignored when CUBESTORE_HTTP_BIND_ADDR is set.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port number30303030


The number of parallel tasks that process non-interactive jobs like data insertion, compaction etc.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number44


The logging level for Cube Store.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
error, warn, info, debug, traceerrorerror



The address/port pair for the Cube Store router node in the cluster.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid address/port pairN/AN/A


The port for the Cube Store router node to listen for connections on. Ignored when CUBESTORE_META_ADDR is set.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port numberN/AN/A


The Access Key ID for MinIO. Required when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid MinIO Access Key IDN/AN/A


The name of the bucket that you want to use MinIO. Required when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid bucket nameN/AN/A


The name of sub path (folder) inside the bucket that you want to use. Required when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid sub path (folder) nameN/AN/A


The number of minutes after which Cube Store should refresh MinIO credentials.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number in minutes180180


The region of a bucket in AWS. Optional when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid S3 region name, an empty string if not presentN/AN/A


The Secret Access Key for MinIO. Required when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid MinIO Secret Access KeyN/AN/A


The MinIO server endpoint. Required when using MinIO.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid MinIO endpointN/AN/A


If true, prevents uploading serialized pre-aggregations to cloud storage.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


The port for Cube Store to listen to connections on. Ignored when CUBESTORE_BIND_ADDR is set.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port number33063306


The timeout for SQL queries in seconds.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A number in seconds120120


A path on the local filesystem to store metadata and datasets from all nodes as if it were remote storage. Not required if using GCS/S3. Not recommended for production usage

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path on the local filesystem with read/write accessN/AN/A


The name of a bucket in AWS S3. Required when using AWS S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid bucket name in the AWS accountN/AN/A


| The region of a bucket in AWS S3. Required when using AWS S3.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid AWS region (opens in a new tab)N/AN/A


The path in a AWS S3 bucket to store pre-aggregations. Optional.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid path prefixN/AN/A


The number of Cube Store sub-processes that handle SELECT queries.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number44


The full name and port number of the Cube Store node (either the router or a worker). Must be unique for each instance in the Cube Store cluster.

Should be passed to the Cube Store router and to each Cube Store worker.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid address/port pairlocalhostlocalhost


If true, then sends telemetry to Cube.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsetruetrue


The maximum number of rows to keep in a single chunk of data right after insertion.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid number262144262144


The port for Cube Store workers to listen to connections on. When set, the node will start as a Cube Store worker in the cluster

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port numberN/AN/A


A comma-separated list of address/port pairs of Cube Store workers.

Should be passed to the Cube Store router and to each Cube Store worker.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A comma-separated list of address/port pairsN/AN/A

Used to implement stateless addressing within a Cube Store cluster. By analyzing CUBESTORE_WORKERS and CUBESTORE_SERVER_NAME, each node is able to determine its position within a Cube Store cluster. This allows each worker to know which pre-aggregation partitions it owns and how the load is distributed across all workers.


If true, enables debug logging.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
true, falsefalsefalse


The port for a Cube deployment to listen to API connections on.

Possible ValuesDefault in DevelopmentDefault in Production
A valid port number40004000