
Connecting with a VPC on Azure


To allow Cube Cloud to connect to a Virtual Network on Azure, the following information is required:


For cross-tenant peering in Azure, you are supposed to assign the peering role to the service principal of the peering party.

Using the steps outlined below, you would register Cube Cloud tenant at your organization and grant peering access to Cube Cloud service principal.

Add Cube tenant to your organization

First you should add the Cube Cloud tenant to your organization. To do this, open the Azure Portal (opens in a new tab) and go to Azure Active Directory → External Identities → Cross-tenant access settings → Organizational Settings → Add Organization.

For Tenant ID, enter 197e5263-87f4-4ce1-96c4-351b0c0c714a.

Make sure that B2B Collaboration → Inbound Access → Applications is set to Allows access.

Register Cube Cloud service principal at your organization

To register the Cube Cloud service principal for your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Log in with an account that has permissions to register Enterprise applications.
  2. Open a browser tab and go to the following URL, replacing <TENANT_ID> with your tenant ID:<TENANT_ID>/oauth2/authorize?client_id=7f3afcf3-e061-4e1b-8261-f396646d7fc7&response_type=code&
  3. The Cube Cloud service principal has specific credentials. Check that the following details match exactly what you see on the dialog box that pops up:
  • Client ID: 7f3afcf3-e061-4e1b-8261-f396646d7fc7
  • Name: cube-dedicated-infra-peering-sp

Once you have confirmed that all the information is correct, select Consent on behalf of your organization and click Accept.

Grant peering permissions to Cube Cloud service principal on your Virtual Network

As peering role you can use built-in Network Contributor or create custom role (e.g. cube-peering-role) with the following permissions:

  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/write
  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/peer/action
  • Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/virtualNetworks/peer/action
  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/read
  • Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/virtualNetworkPeerings/delete

On the Azure Portal (opens in a new tab), go to Virtual networksVirtual Network Name → Access Control (IAM) → Add → Add role assignment and fill in the following details:

  • Role: Network Contributor or cube-peering-role
  • Members: cube-dedicated-infra-peering-sp


Make sure that your firewall rules allow inbound and outbound traffic to IP/port your database is listening at.

Information required by Cube Cloud support

When you are reaching out Cube Cloud support please provide following information:

Supported Regions

We support all general-purpose regions. Cube Store is currently located only in US Central so pre-aggregations performance might depend on geographical proximity to it.