Data modeling


Cube borrows a lot of terminology from OLAP theory (opens in a new tab), and this document is intended for both newcomers and regular users to refresh their understanding.

We'll use a sample e-commerce database with two tables, orders and line_items to illustrate the concepts throughout this page:


1completed2019-01-05 00:00:00.0000002019-01-02 00:00:00.000000
2shipped2019-01-17 00:00:00.0000002019-01-02 00:00:00.000000
3completed2019-01-27 00:00:00.0000002019-01-02 00:00:00.000000
4shipped2019-01-09 00:00:00.0000002019-01-02 00:00:00.000000
5processing2019-01-29 00:00:00.0000002019-01-02 00:00:00.000000


131112752019-01-31 00:00:00.000000
249262482021-01-20 00:00:00.000000
389361972021-11-25 00:00:00.000000
471482232019-12-23 00:00:00.000000
56455752019-04-20 00:00:00.000000


Cubes represent datasets in Cube and are conceptually similar to views in SQL (opens in a new tab). Cubes are usually declared in separate files with one cube per file. Typically, a cube points to a single table in your database using the sql_table property:

cube(`orders`, {
  sql_table: `orders`,

You can also use the sql property to accommodate more complex SQL queries:

cube(`orders`, {
  sql: `
    SELECT *
    FROM orders, line_items
    WHERE = line_items.order_id

Each cube contains the definitions of its members: dimensions, measures, and segments. You can control the access to cubes and their members by configuring the member-level security.

Joins are used to define relations between cubes. Pre-aggregations are used to accelerate queries to cubes. Cubes and their members can be further referenced by views.

Note that cubes support extension, polymorphism, and data blending. Cubes can be defined statically and you can also build dynamic data models.

Cube supports data models that consist of thousands of cubes and views. For massive multi-tenancy configurations, e.g., with more than 1,000 tenants, consider using a multi-cluster deployment.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of cube parameters.


Views sit on top of the data graph of cubes and create a facade of your whole data model with which data consumers can interact. They are useful for defining metrics, managing governance and data access, and controlling ambiguous join paths.

Views do not define their own members. Instead, they reference cubes by specific join paths and include their members. Optionally, you can also group members of a view into folders.

In the example below, we create the orders view which includes select members from base_orders, products, and users cubes:

view(`orders`, {
  cubes: [
      join_path: base_orders,
      includes: [
      join_path: base_orders.line_items.products,
      includes: [
          name: `name`,
          alias: `product`,
      join_path: base_orders.users,
      prefix: true,
      includes: `*`,
      excludes: [`company`],

Views do not define any pre-aggregations. Instead, they reuse pre-aggregations from underlying cubes.

View can be defined statically and you can also build dynamic data models.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of view parameters.


Dimensions represent the properties of a single data point in the cube. The orders table contains only dimensions, so representing them in the orders cube is straightforward:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  dimensions: {
    id: {
      sql: `id`,
      type: `number`,
      // Here we explicitly let Cube know this field is the primary key
      // This is required for de-duplicating results when using joins
      primary_key: true,
    status: {
      sql: `status`,
      type: `string`,

Note that the id dimension is defined as a primary key. It is also possible to have more than one primary key dimension in a cube if you'd like them all to be parts of a composite key.

The line_items table also has a couple of dimensions which can be represented as follows:

cube(`line_items`, {
  // ...
  dimensions: {
    id: {
      sql: `id`,
      type: `number`,
      // Again, we explicitly let Cube know this field is the primary key
      // This is required for de-duplicating results when using joins
      primary_key: true,
    order_id: {
      sql: `order_id`,
      type: `number`,

If needed, dimensions can be organized into hierarchies. Also, proxy dimensions are helpful for code reusability and subquery dimensions can be used to join cubes implicitly.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of dimension parameters.

Dimension types

Dimensions can be of different types, e.g., string, number, or time. Often, data types in SQL are mapped to dimension types in the following way:

Data type in SQLDimension type in Cube
timestamp, date, timetime
text, varcharstring
integer, bigint, decimalnumber

See the dimension type reference for details.

Time dimensions

Time-based properties are modeled using dimensions of the time type. They allow grouping the result set by a unit of time (e.g., days, weeks, month, etc.), also known as the time dimension granularity.

The following granularities are available by default for any time dimension: year, quarter, month, week (starting on Monday), day, hour, minute, second. You can also define custom granularities and optionally expose them via proxy dimensions in case you need to use weeks starting on Sunday, fiscal years, etc.

See this recipe for more custom granularity examples.

Here's how we can add time dimensions to the data model:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  dimensions: {
    created_at: {
      sql: `created_at`,
      type: `time`
      // You can use this time dimension with all default granularities:
      // year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second
    completed_at: {
      sql: `completed_at`,
      type: `time`,
      // You can use this time dimension with all default granularities
      // and an additional custom granularity defined below
      granularities: {
        fiscal_year_starting_on_february_01: {
          interval: `1 year`,
          offset: `1 month`

Time dimensions are essential to enabling performance boosts such as partitioned pre-aggregations and incremental refreshes.


Measures represent the properties of a set of data points in the cube. To add a measure called count to our orders cube, for example, we can do the following:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  measures: {
    count: {
      type: `count`,

In our LineItems cube, we can also create a measure to sum up the total value of line items sold:

cube(`line_items`, {
  // ...
  measures: {
    total: {
      sql: `price`,
      type: `sum`,

Calculated measures and subquery dimensions can be used for measure composition.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of measure parameters.

Measure types

Measures can be of different types, e.g., count, sum, or number. Often, aggregate functions in SQL are mapped to measure types in the following way:

Aggregate function in SQLMeasure type in Cube
COUNT(DISTINCT …)count_distinct
Any function returning a timestamp, e.g., MAX(time)time

See the measure type reference for details.

Measure additivity

Additivity is a property of measures that detemines whether measure values, once calculated for a set of dimensions, can be further aggregated to calculate measure values for a subset of these dimensions.

Measure additivity has an impact on pre-aggregation matching.

Additivity of a measure depends on its type. Only measures with the following types are considered additive: count, count_distinct_approx, min, max, sum. Measures with all other types are considered non-additive.


Consider the following cube:

  - name: employees
    sql: >
      SELECT 1 AS id, 'Ali' AS first_name, 20 AS age, 'Los Gatos' AS city UNION ALL
      SELECT 2 AS id, 'Bob' AS first_name, 30 AS age, 'San Diego' AS city UNION ALL
      SELECT 3 AS id, 'Eve' AS first_name, 40 AS age, 'San Diego' AS city
      - name: count
        type: count
      - name: avg_age
        sql: age
        type: avg
      - name: city
        sql: city
        type: string

If we run a query that includes city as a dimension and count and avg_age as measures, we'll get the following results:

Los Gatos120
San Diego235

Then, if we remove the city dimension from the query, we'll get the following results:


As you can see, the value of the count measure that we've got for the second query could have been calculated based on the results of the first one: 1 + 2 = 3. It explains why the count measure, having the count type, is considered additive.

However, the value of the avg_age measure that we've got for the second query can't be calculated based on the results of the first one: there's no way to derive 30 from 20 and 35. This is why the avg_age measure, having the avg type, is considered non-additive.

Leaf measures

Measures that do not reference other measures are considered leaf measures.

By definition, all measures that only reference SQL columns and expressions are leaf measures. On the other hand, calculated measures might not necessarily be leaf measures because they can reference other measures.

Whether a query contains only additive leaf measures has an impact on pre-aggregation matching.


Joins define the relationships between cubes, which then allows accessing and comparing properties from two or more cubes at the same time. In Cube, all joins are LEFT JOINs.

An INNER JOIN can be replicated with Cube; when making a Cube query, add a filter for IS NOT NULL on the required column.

In the following example, we are left-joining the line_items cube onto our orders cube:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  joins: {
    line_items: {
      relationship: `many_to_one`,
      // Here we use the `CUBE` global to refer to the current cube,
      // so the following is equivalent to ` = line_items.order_id`
      sql: `${CUBE}.id = ${line_items.order_id}`,

There are three types of join relationships (one_to_one, one_to_many, and many_to_one) and a few other concepts such as the direction of joins and trasitive joins pitfalls.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of join parameters.


Segments are pre-defined filters that are kept within the data model instead of a Cube query. They help to simplify queries and make it easy to reuse common filters across a variety of queries.

To add a segment which limits results to completed orders, we can do the following:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  segments: {
    only_completed: {
      sql: `${CUBE}.status = 'completed'`,

See the reference documentaton for the full list of segment parameters.


Pre-aggregations provide a powerful way to accelerate frequently used queries and keep the cache up-to-date. Within a data model, they are defined using the pre_aggregations property:

cube(`orders`, {
  // ...
  pre_aggregations: {
    main: {
      measures: [CUBE.count],
      dimensions: [CUBE.status],
      timeDimension: CUBE.created_at,
      granularity: `day`,

A more thorough introduction can be found in Getting Started with Pre-Aggregations.

See the reference documentaton for the full list of pre-aggregation parameters.