Continuous deployment
This guide covers features and tools you can use to deploy your Cube project to Cube Cloud.
Deploy with Git
Continuous deployment works by connecting a Git repository to a Cube Cloud deployment and keeping the two in sync.
First, go to the Build & Deploy tab on the Settings screen to make sure your deployment is configured to deploy with Git. Then click Generate Git credentials to obtain Git credentials:
The instructions to set up Cube Cloud as a Git remote are also available on the same screen:
git config credential.helper store
git remote add cubecloud <YOUR-CUBE-CLOUD-GIT-URL>
git push cubecloud master
Deploy with GitHub
First, ensure your deployment is configured to deploy with Git. Then connect your GitHub repository to your deployment by clicking the Connect to GitHub button, and selecting your repository.
Cube Cloud will automatically deploy from the specified production branch
by default).
Deploy with CLI
Enabling this option will cause the Data Model page to display the last known state of a Git-based codebase (if available), instead of reflecting the latest modifications made. It is important to note that the logic will still be updated in both the API and the Playground.
You can use the CLI to set up continuous deployment for a Git repository. You can also use it to manually deploy changes without continuous deployment.
Manual Deploys
You can deploy your Cube project manually. This method uploads data models and configuration files directly from your local project directory.
You can obtain a Cube Cloud deploy token from your deployment's Settings screen.
npx cubejs-cli deploy --token TOKEN
Continuous Deployment
You can use Cube CLI with your continuous integration tool.
environment variable to pass the Cube
Cloud deploy token to Cube CLI.
Below is an example configuration for GitHub Actions:
name: My Cube App
- "**"
- "master"
name: Deploy My Cube App
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 30
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Use Node.js 20.x
uses: actions/setup-node@v1
node-version: 20.x
- name: Install Cube backend server core
run: npm i @cubejs-backend/server-core
- name: Deploy to Cube Cloud
run: npx cubejs-cli deploy --token ${{ secrets.CUBE_CLOUD_DEPLOY_AUTH }}