Semantic Catalog

Semantic Catalog

Semantic Catalog lets users search, understand, and re-use trusted data products, both from Cube and external sources such as cloud data warehouses and business intelligence tools.

Semantic Catalog is available in Cube Cloud on Premium and above (opens in a new tab) tiers. Contact us (opens in a new tab) for details.

Getting Started

Enabling Semantic Catalog

Semantic Catalog is currently in preview. First, ask your account team to enable it for you.

Then, in your Cube deployment, navigate to the "Catalog" sidebar tab. If it is not already enabled, there will be a button to get started. After you click this button, your Cube data model will sync to the Semantic Catalog. In a few moments, you will see Cubes, Views, and Tables appear in the Semantic Catalog.

Connecting downstream tools

In addition to your Cube data model, Semantic Catalog can be used to understand charts and dashboards in downstream business intelligence and data visualization tools. These currently include:

To connect these, navigate to "Settings" in your Cube deployment sidebar, and then choose "Catalog Services." Click the "Add Service" button, and a modal will pop up for you to enter credentials, test the connection, and create your service.



You can search and filter for data assets such as Cubes, Views, tables, charts, and dashboards. Semantic Catalog will show you an overview of each data asset, including information such as name, description, the measures and dimensions included (for a Cube or View), and usage information.


Semantic Catalog can be used to explore lineage between your connected data assets. For example, for a View, users can see what tables and Cubes flow into it as well as the downstream dashboards that query it in tools such as Tableau and Superset.