Connect to Databricks

Connect to Databricks

In this section, we’ll create a Cube Cloud deployment and connect it to Databricks. A deployment represents a data model, configuration, and managed infrastructure.

To continue with this guide, you'll need to have a Cube Cloud account. If you don't have one yet, click here to sign up (opens in a new tab) for free.

First, sign in to your Cube Cloud account (opens in a new tab). Then, click Create Deployment:

Give the deployment a name, select the cloud provider and region of your choice, and click Next:

Cube Cloud Create Deployment Screen

Microsoft Azure is available in Cube Cloud on Premium (opens in a new tab) tier. Contact us (opens in a new tab) for details.

Set up a Cube project

Next, click Create to create a new project from scratch:

Cube Cloud Upload Project Screen

Connect to your Databricks

The last step is to connect Cube Cloud to Databricks. First, select it from the grid:

Cube Cloud Setup Database Screen

Then enter your Databricks credentials:

  • Access Token: A personal access token for your Databricks account. You can generate one (opens in a new tab) in your Databricks account settings.
  • Databricks JDBC URL: The JDBC URL for your Databricks SQL warehouse. You can find it (opens in a new tab) in the SQL warehouse settings screen.
  • Databricks Catalog: This should match the same catalog where you uploaded the files in the last section. If left unspecified, the default catalog is used.

Click Apply, Cube Cloud will test the connection and proceed to the next step.

Generate data model from your Databricks schema

Cube can now generate a basic data model from your data warehouse, which helps getting started with data modeling faster. Select all four tables in our catalog and click through the data model generation wizard. We'll inspect these generated files in the next section and start making changes to them.