
DAX API reference

The DAX API supports the following functions.

If you'd like to propose a function to be supported in the DAX API, please contact the customer success team in Cube Cloud.

DAX functions

The DAX API currently implements a subset of functions supported by DAX (opens in a new tab).

Aggregation functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
AVERAGE (opens in a new tab)
AVERAGEA (opens in a new tab)Non-numeric values
AVERAGEX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table
COUNT (opens in a new tab)
COUNTA (opens in a new tab)
COUNTAX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table
COUNTBLANK (opens in a new tab)
COUNTROWS (opens in a new tab)Disregards input table expression and always returns 1
COUNTX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table
DISTINCTCOUNT (opens in a new tab)Blanks are ignored
DISTINCTCOUNTNOBLANK (opens in a new tab)
MAX (opens in a new tab)2 argumentsBlanks are disregarded instead of being treated as 0
MAXA (opens in a new tab)
MAXX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table
MIN (opens in a new tab)2 argumentsBlanks are disregarded instead of being treated as 0
MINA (opens in a new tab)
MINX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table
SUM (opens in a new tab)
SUMX (opens in a new tab)Non-base table as input table

Date and time functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
DATE (opens in a new tab)Non-literal date parts
DAY (opens in a new tab)Text date input
HOUR (opens in a new tab)Text date input
MINUTE (opens in a new tab)Text date input
MONTH (opens in a new tab)Text date input
NOW (opens in a new tab)Returns datetime in UTC time zone
QUARTER (opens in a new tab)Text date input
SECOND (opens in a new tab)Text date input
TIME (opens in a new tab)Non-literal date parts. Execution outside DATE(...) + TIME(...) expression
TODAY (opens in a new tab)Returns date in UTC time zone. Time is at 12:00:00 AM; contrary to documentation, Analysis Services returns that time
UTCNOW (opens in a new tab)
UTCTODAY (opens in a new tab)Time is at 12:00:00 AM; contrary to documentation, Analysis Services returns that time
WEEKDAY (opens in a new tab)Text date input
YEAR (opens in a new tab)Text date input

Filter functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
ALL (opens in a new tab)2+ argumentsDoesn't clear filter context, silently ignored
CALCULATE (opens in a new tab)Creating a nested filter context
CALCULATETABLE (opens in a new tab)Creating a nested filter context
FILTER (opens in a new tab)
KEEPFILTERS (opens in a new tab)Doesn't modify behavior, silently ignored

Financial functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

No financial functions currently supported.

Information functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
ISAFTER (opens in a new tab)
ISBLANK (opens in a new tab)Blanks are treated as equivalent to nulls and vice versa
ISEVEN (opens in a new tab)
ISODD (opens in a new tab)
ISONORAFTER (opens in a new tab)
NONVISUAL (opens in a new tab)Doesn't modify behavior, silently ignored
USERCULTURE (opens in a new tab)Always returns "en-US"

Logical functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
AND (opens in a new tab)
FALSE (opens in a new tab)
IF (opens in a new tab)Variant data types
NOT (opens in a new tab)
OR (opens in a new tab)
SWITCH (opens in a new tab)
TRUE (opens in a new tab)

Math and trig functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
ABS (opens in a new tab)
ACOS (opens in a new tab)
ASIN (opens in a new tab)
ATAN (opens in a new tab)
CEILING (opens in a new tab)Significance other than 1
COS (opens in a new tab)
EXP (opens in a new tab)
FLOOR (opens in a new tab)Significance other than 1
INT (opens in a new tab)
LN (opens in a new tab)
LOG (opens in a new tab)Base other than 10
LOG10 (opens in a new tab)
MOD (opens in a new tab)
MROUND (opens in a new tab)Multiple other than 1
PI (opens in a new tab)
POWER (opens in a new tab)
QUOTIENT (opens in a new tab)
RAND (opens in a new tab)
ROUND (opens in a new tab)Num digits other than 0
ROUNDDOWN (opens in a new tab)Num digits other than 0
ROUNDUP (opens in a new tab)Num digits other than 0
SIN (opens in a new tab)
SQRT (opens in a new tab)
SQRTPI (opens in a new tab)
TAN (opens in a new tab)
TRUNC (opens in a new tab)Num digits other than 0

Other functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
BLANK (opens in a new tab)Blanks are treated as equivalent to nulls and vice versa

Parent and child functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

No parent and child functions currently supported.

Relationship functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

No relationship functions currently supported.

Statistical functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
SAMPLE (opens in a new tab)Doesn't evenly distribute rows, taking top N instead (acts as the TOPN function)

Table manipulation functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
ADDCOLUMNS (opens in a new tab)Aggregate expressions
DISTINCT (opens in a new tab) (column)
DISTINCT (opens in a new tab) (table)Filter context for table expressions
IGNORE (opens in a new tab)2+ argumentsDoesn't modify filter context, silently ignored
NATURALLEFTOUTERJOIN (opens in a new tab)
ROLLUPADDISSUBTOTAL (opens in a new tab)grandtotalFilter
ROLLUPGROUP (opens in a new tab)
ROW (opens in a new tab)
SELECTCOLUMNS (opens in a new tab)Optional aliases (currently mandatory)
SUBSTITUTEWITHINDEX (opens in a new tab)
SUMMARIZE (opens in a new tab)Named expressions (aggregations/measures)
SUMMARIZECOLUMNS (opens in a new tab)
TOPN (opens in a new tab)Non-literal N value
TREATAS (opens in a new tab)Non-literal tables as table expressions
VALUES (opens in a new tab)

Text functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
CONCATENATE (opens in a new tab)
EXACT (opens in a new tab)
FIND (opens in a new tab)Start num other than 1 and not found value other than 0
LEFT (opens in a new tab)
LEN (opens in a new tab)
LOWER (opens in a new tab)
MID (opens in a new tab)
REPT (opens in a new tab)Returns empty string when num times is 0
RIGHT (opens in a new tab)
SUBSTITUTE (opens in a new tab)Instance number
SEARCH (opens in a new tab)Execution outside filter context functions
TRIM (opens in a new tab)Trimming inner whitespace
UPPER (opens in a new tab)
VALUE (opens in a new tab)

Time intelligence functions

Learn more in the relevant section (opens in a new tab) of the DAX documentation.

No time intelligence functions currently supported.

Miscellaneous functions

FunctionUnsupported featuresCaveats
SAMPLEAXISWITHLOCALMINMAX (opens in a new tab)Silently ignored, returning input table expression