provides Vue Components to easily integrate Cube within a
Vue.js app.
<QueryBuilder />
is used to build interactive analytics query builders. It
abstracts state management and API calls to Cube Backend. It uses scoped slot
props technique.
Name | Type | Description |
cubeApi | CubeApi | CubeApi instance to use |
initialChartType? | ChartType | The type of chart to display initially. Default is line . |
disableHeuristics? | boolean | Defaults to false . This means that the default heuristics will be applied. For example: when the query is empty and you select a measure that has a default time dimension it will be pushed to the query. |
query? | Query | Query parameters (learn more about the format). This property is reactive - if you change the object here, the internal query values will be overwritten. This is not two-way. |
stateChangeHeuristics? | (state: QueryBuilderState) => QueryBuilderState | A function that accepts the newState just before it's applied. You can use it to override the defaultHeuristics or to tweak the query or the vizState in any way. |
initialVizState? | VizState | - |
wrapWithQueryRenderer? | boolean | Defaults to true . Use QueryRenderer to render. Set this to false to use your own QueryRenderer. |
Default Slot
Slot Props
: AresultSet
is an object containing data obtained from the query.ResultSet
object provides a convenient interface for data manipulation.
Empty Slot
This slot functions as an empty/loading state; when the query is loading or empty, you can show something in the meantime.
Error Slot
This slot will be rendered if any error happens while the query is loading or rendering.
Slot Props
: the error.sqlQuery
: the attempted query.
Builder Slot
- arrays containing the selected query builder members.availableMeasures
- arrays containing available members to select. They are loaded via API from Cube Backend.addMeasures
- functions to control the adding of new members to query builder.removeMeasures
- functions to control the removing of members to query builder.setMeasures
- functions to control the setting of members to query builder.updateMeasures
- functions to control the updating of members to query builder.chartType
- string containing currently selected chart type.updateChartType
- function-setter for chart type.isQueryPresent
- bool indicating whether is query ready to be displayed or not.query
- current query, based on selected members.setLimit
- functions to control the number of results returned.setOffset
- functions to control the number of rows skipped before results returned. Use with limit to control pagination.
Open in CodeSandbox
<query-builder :cube-api="cubeApi" :query="query">
<template #builder="{ measures, setMeasures, availableMeasures }">
placeholder="Please Select"
@input="(...args) => set(setMeasures, ...args)"
<template #default="{ resultSet }">
<chart-renderer v-if="resultSet" :result-set="resultSet" />
<template #empty>Loading...</template>
import cube from "@cubejs-client/core";
import Multiselect from "vue-multiselect";
import { QueryBuilder } from "@cubejs-client/vue";
import ChartRenderer from "./ChartRenderer.vue";
const API_URL =
const CUBE_TOKEN =
const cubeApi = cube(CUBE_TOKEN, { apiUrl: API_URL });
export default {
name: "QueryBuilderExample",
components: {
data() {
const query = {
measures: [],
timeDimensions: [
dimension: "LineItems.createdAt",
granularity: "month",
return {
selected: undefined,
methods: {
customLabel(a) {
return a.title;
set(setMeasures, value) {
setMeasures(value.map((e) => e.name));
<QueryRenderer />
Vue component takes a query, fetches the given query, and
uses the slot scoped props to render the resulting data.
Name | Type | Description |
cubeApi | CubeApi | CubeApi instance to use |
loadSql? | "only" | boolean | Indicates whether the generated by Cube SQL Code should be requested. See rest-api#sql. When set to only then only the request to /v1/sql will be performed. When set to true the sql request will be performed along with the query request. Will not be performed if set to false |
queries? | object | - |
query | Query | Analytic query. Learn more about it's format |
Default Slot
Slot Props
: AresultSet
is an object containing data obtained from the query.ResultSet
object provides a convenient interface for data manipulation.
Empty Slot
This slot functions as an empty/loading state; when the query is loading or empty, you can show something in the meantime.
Error Slot
This slot will be rendered if any error happens while the query is loading or rendering.
Slot Props
: the error.sqlQuery
: the attempted query.
<query-renderer :cube-api="cubeApi" :query="query" v-if="cubeApi">
<template #default="{ resultSet }"> </template>
<template #empty> Loading... </template>
import cube from "@cubejs-client/core";
import { QueryRenderer } from "@cubejs-client/vue";
const cubeApi = cube("YOUR-CUBE-API-TOKEN", {
apiUrl: "http://localhost:4000/cubejs-api/v1",
export default {
name: "QueryRendererExample",
components: {
data() {
const query = {
measures: ["LineItems.count", "LineItems.quantity", "Orders.count"],
timeDimensions: [
dimension: "LineItems.createdAt",
granularity: "month",
return {
<style src="vue-multiselect/dist/vue-multiselect.min.css"></style>
<style scoped>
h3 {
margin: 40px 0 0;
ul {
list-style-type: none;
padding: 0;
li {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 10px;
a {
color: #42b983;
ChartType: "line" | "bar" | "table" | "area" | "number" | "pie"
Name | Type |
query | Query |
chartType? | ChartType |
Name | Type |
chartType? | ChartType |
pivotConfig? | PivotConfig |
shouldApplyHeuristicOrder? | boolean |