Development mode

Development mode

Development mode allows to test and debug the data model in an isolated environment before releasing any changes to production. When the development mode is enabled, a new set of API endpoints is deployed specifically for the branch.

Development mode is available in Cube Cloud on all tiers (opens in a new tab).

Finding endpoints

After entering Development Mode, go to the Overview page to see all available endpoints for the branch:

Development Mode Overview page showing available endpoints


The Development API has some limitations compared to Production, and it is important to be aware of these as they may affect your development process.


The Development API does not support autoscaling. If you need to test autoscaling, we recommend creating a separate deployment using a different Git branch of the same repository.

Scheduled refresh

Scheduled refresh is also disabled in the Development API. If you need to test scheduled refreshes, we recommend creating a separate deployment using a different Git branch of the same repository.

Cube version guarantees

The version of Cube used in the Development API is not guaranteed to be the same each time. If this affects your development process, we recommend reaching out to our support team.