
Manage your data with Dagster and Cube Semantic Layer

How Cube and Dagster work together

Integrate Cube with Dagster to seamlessly connect your data transformation pipelines and orchestration tools with your semantic layer. Handle all of your rough-grained transformation tasks with Dagster and land data in your warehouse and then perform your business logic and metric definition in Cube and provide consistent analytics throughout the organization. Use event-based integrations to trigger your pre-aggregation builds efficiently and easily, saving time and compute resources.

Power your data applications with Dagster and Cube

 Performance + Reliability

Performance + Reliability

Redundantly and directly querying your data source results in latency and unnecessary costs. Cube’s caching layer, pre-aggregations, and query queuing fix that.

Skip latency;
expect speed.

Headless = Customized

Headless = Customized

Decoupling BI from your front-end means orchestrating data modeling, access control, and caching once—while building presentation layers for any use case.

Easily tailor your
user experience.

Security + Governance

Security + Governance

Reconfiguring data access control for every data app in your stack opens the door to inconsistencies and gaps. Centralize permissions upstream for uniform security.

Maintain ubiquitious
access control.

Step-by-step guides on using Cube with Dagster

See Cube in action

Interest piqued? Try Cube's semantic layer.

Related Use Cases

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