Among other use cases, Cube really shines at powering embedded analytics, as demonstrated in numerous customer stories.

Today, we're introducing Chart Prototyping to enable you to go from zero to a minimal yet complete front-end application that queries Cube via its REST API and visualizes data on charts. With Chart Prototyping, you can generate the code of your front-end application in an instant, customize it as you see fit, and download it to continue the development in your local environment.

Chart Prototyping speeds up your development process and provides you the flexibility to either connect Cube to one of many supported data visualization tools or build a bespoke data application.

See Chart Prototyping in action on this video:

Currently, Chart Prototyping is able to generate TypeScript code for React applications that use Chart.js as a charting library. You can choose between chart types (line, bar, area, etc.) or just show a data table. Generated code will use the REST API and the JavaScript SDK to fetch the data and feed it into the charting code. Please check the documentation to learn more.

You can try Chart Prototyping today in Cube Cloud. Just go to your Playground, create a query, visualize it on a chart, and click Code. You will see the chart and you'll be able to download the code for the application:

As always, we'll be happy to hear your feedback about this feature. Join our Slack community to share your thoughts and opinions.