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Chart.js Community Meetup

The #1 meetup with Chart.js maintainers and community

  • Picture of Evert Timberg - the ParticipantLogo of Evert Timberg company

    Evert Timberg

    Lead Maintainer of Chart.js

  • Picture of Peter Cook - the Participant

    Peter Cook

    Data Visualisation Designer/Developer/Trainer at Create With Data

Following recent Chart.js v4 release, please join Chart.js community members and maintainers on the first online meetup devoted to Chart.js, simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library for the modern web.

We'll have talks by Evert Timbert (@etimberg on GitHub), the lead maintainer of Chart.js, and Peter Cook, a data visualisation designer and developer. In the end, we'll also have a Q&A session about all things Chart.js.

  • Past and Future of Chart.js

    Evert will cover the development history of Chart.js and elaborate on his own involvement with the project. We'll also discuss what comes next to Chart.js and explore some roadmap items: assessibility, plugins, performance, etc.

  • Recreating Gapminder with Chart.js

    One of the most well known data visualisations is Hans Rosling’s Gapminder where the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP), life expectancy, and population of over 180 nations is animated across time. The result gives a fascinating insight into the evolution of nations over the years. How do you go about creating a chart such as this? Other developers have done so such as Mike Bostock (using D3.js), Tristan Ganry (using R), Robert Mundigi (in Excel) and Parul Pandey (in Tableau). Peter will explain how you can re-create a Gapminder chart using Chart.js.

  • Q&A Session

We would love to hear more stories about Chart.js and how it's being used in production. Please reach out if you'd like to speak.