Here at Cube, we are gearing up to host our inaugural in-person user event, Cube Rollup. We’re thrilled to invite customers, prospects, partners, and data influencers to join us for an experience that will deepen your Cube expertise and expand your professional network. Choose from two geographically-convenient locations: Cube Rollup London on September 16, 2024, or Rollup San Francisco on October 15, 2024. Let’s take a look at four reasons why Cube Rollup should be on your calendar.

Learn about the Latest Innovations

At Cube Rollup, you’ll have the chance to deep dive into the latest advancements in Cube’s universal semantic layer. Our team will showcase how these innovations can help you transform how data is managed and consumed by coworkers, customers, and even machines. Whether you’re looking to optimize your existing workflows or explore new possibilities, this is your opportunity to learn more about our founders’ vision for Cube today and tomorrow.

Receive Exclusive Access to New Features

Attendees of Cube Rollup will be the first to gain access to our upcoming features. We will unveil new capabilities that will enable you to extend the value of your investment in Cube’s universal semantic layer to every data use case, be it AI, BI, spreadsheets, OLAP modernization or embedded analytics. This exclusive preview is designed to get you a competitive edge, allowing you to access the latest capabilities before they are widely available.

Get Free Product Advice from Cube Experts

Need guidance on how to maximize Cube’s potential within your organization? At Cube Rollup, you can consult directly with our product experts. They’ll be on-hand to provide personalized advice tailored to your specific use case. Overcome challenges and achieve your data goals with a one-on-one expert consultation.

Connect with Other Cube Enthusiasts

Cube Rollup isn’t only about learning and features—it’s about building connections. Meet and engage with fellow Cube users from various industries who share your interest in delivering trusted data to any experience. Whether you’re looking to exchange ideas, collaborate on projects, or simply network, Cube Rollup is the perfect place for like-minded data engineers and data professionals.


Don’t miss out on the first Cube Rollup, an event designed to inspire, educate, and connect. We look forward to seeing you there. Limited seats are available. Grab your spot on the waitlist today. Choose a location and date that’s perfect for you: