GigaOm rates Cube as a ‘Leader’ for Semantic Layers and Metrics Stores

GigaOm rates Cube a ‘Leader’ for Semantic Layers and Metrics Stores

Market Landscape Report: GigaOm Sonar for Semantic Layers and Metrics Stores

"Cube’s strengths include its strong code-first orientation, native API support, and its analytics pre-processing through caching and pre-aggregations.”

Andrew J. Brust, Aug 30, 2023 -- Market Sonar, GigaOm

In this Sonar report, GigaOm reviews vendors of semantics layers and metrics stores. They offer their informed review and opinion on how a semantic layer can create a consolidated representation of an organization's data, making it understandable across teams and tools in common business terms.

Read the report to learn about:

  • The purpose of a Semantic layer

  • How it works and use cases

  • Insights and comparisons on several vendors

Get the report and see how a semantic layer can benefit your business and help overburdened data teams working to manage data in disparate source points and endpoints.

Get the Report