At Cube, we’re on a mission to power the next-generation of data experiences by bringing consistency, context, and trust to all of your data. Today, we’re excited to unveil new advancements in Cube Cloud that accelerate the development of Generative AI (GenAI) and embedded analytics solutions.

The latest updates include our new, native AI API, now in preview, and the general availability of Chart Prototyping. These innovations are built on the flexible foundation of Cube’s universal semantic layer, increasing the value you receive from your Cube Cloud deployment.

Get Conversational with the AI API

The universal semantic layer is essential for building GenAI data applications. It provides context and governance to LLMs, reducing errors and hallucinations. Before the AI API, connecting GenAI to your data required either tedious manual work, such as vectorization and custom prompting, to provide the LLM with the right context and metric definitions, or going straight to a database without the governance and consistency of a semantic layer.

Customers like spyne and Quantatec already benefit from the context provided by a universal semantic layer to LLMs. We were inspired by these customer use cases to simplify and accelerate development with the AI API. Now, Cube provides a standard interface for interacting with OpenAI as a turnkey solution for text-to-semantic layer queries using LLM-generated SQL.

The new, native AI API reduces the complexity of typical application-LLM integrations. With a well-documented data model, shown below, and the AI API you can more easily create AI agents, chatbots, copilots, and Slack apps, using natural language interactions. Even better, your users will love it because it lowers the barrier to entry for working with data. The AI API will be generally available this fall.

Streamline Development with Chart Prototyping

In addition to the AI API, we’re introducing Chart Prototyping for embedded analytics. Embedded developers and data engineers can now create and test charts within Cube Cloud’s Playground 2.0. This speeds up the development process, so that you can ensure insights are delivered in the most impactful way.

Whether you’re integrating charts into internal tools or external customer applications, Chart Prototyping enables you to generate front-end TypeScript code, preview different chart types, and select your integration method via native REST or GraphQL APIs.

Build Next-Generation Data Experiences

Cube Cloud’s new features are part of our commitment to helping you unlock the full potential of your data. With these capabilities, you can build secure, accurate, and cost-effective data experiences, enhancing the value of data for every user both inside and outside of your organization.

Contact sales to learn more about how you can activate and leverage the AI API today.