Cube Core v0.27 release is feature-rich, backwards-compatible, and non-breaking; it includes tons of improvements to security, authentication, caching, client libraries, and Playground as well as some bug fixes.

Breaking changes and deprecations

None. Nada. Nothing. Natch 🙅 You can just update the dependency versions in your project (either via Docker image or Node package version) and everything will just work. That said, there is one deprecation this release relating to Redis configuration options; check the Deprecation document for more details.

Authentication & authorization

We've added support for JWK-based identity providers, allowing you to use Auth0 and AWS Cognito with a tiny bit of configuration.

We've also added two new pages to our documentation detailing the above, and a brand new in-depth guide to setting up Multi-Tenant Analytics with Auth0 and Cube.js. If you'd like to see it in action, please watch the recording of our March Community Call.

Cube Store is generally available

Cube Store is now shipped with Cube.js and now there's an official Docker image for Cube Store on Docker Hub. This is a huge milestone for us, and we're really excited 😀 To get started, you'll need to install the Cube Store driver and set your external database to cubestore. If you prefer to see this feature in action, check out March's Community Call on YouTube.

Vue Integration

The Vue integration for Cube.js now supports the QueryBuilder and QueryRenderer components that effectively allows you to build your own Cube.js Developer Playground or provide a similar experience to your users. This also brings our Vue integration to parity with Angular and React, and we think it will be really helpful for improving Cube.js adoption in the Vue community.


The Developer Playground has had a round of quality-of-life improvements; the most notable being:

  • The Security Context for queries can now be modified before making requests. This was a source of frustration for users who had security-context dependent schemas; prior to this there was no easy way to test these schemas in development mode.
  • Invalid dimensions/measures are now clearly marked as such. This was often a minor pain point when developing schemas; invalid or out-of-date members would hang around and it wasn't often straightforward to tell whether they still existed or not.
  • Queries are now prevented from automatically running, and now require you to click a button. This prevents sending any intermediate requests as a query is being built up, which in turn, reduces the load on the Cube.js API.
  • Initial database configuration can now be done within the Developer Playground. Start a Cube.js project without any database configuration and upon first-boot, the Developer Playground will launch a connection wizard.
  • Vue code snippets can now be generated, bringing it to parity with Angular and React.
  • Vue-based charts can now be added to the Dynamic Dashboard, just like Angular and React.